Etter at EA i går rullet ut en oppdatering som skulle fikse en del problemer, samt inkludere noen nye features, fikk brukerne et nytt problem – spillet begynte å kræsje.
Feilen skal vistnok skyldes data som ikke matcher hverandre i Creation Center-et.
Slik gjør du for å unngå at FIFA 12 krasjer mer:
In-game UGC File Deletion
1. [Main Menu] -> [My Fifa 12] -> [ FIFA12 Profile] -> [SAVE/LOAD/DELETE]
2. Press the [Cross] button and choose delete
3. Choose your UGC file
4. Delete the file
5. Reboot the game.
PS3 XMB method to delete UGC File
1. Proceed to the PS3 XMB
2. Use the Left Analog stick to move left/right and choose the controller icon to the far right
3. Scroll down to Save Data Utility (PS3)
4. Choose your file «FIFA 12 – UGC Data 1 Contains UGC file»
5. Press the [Triangle] button and then choose Delete
Xbox 360
In-game UGC File deletion
1. [Main Menu] -> [My Fifa 12] -> [ FIFA12 Profile] -> [SAVE/LOAD/DELETE]
2. Press the [A] button and choose delete
3. Choose your UGC file
4. Delete the file
5. Reboot the game.
Dashboard Method to delete UGC File
1. Press the Xbox360 Guide button
2. Press the [Y] button to proceed to the Xbox Dashboard
3. [My Xbox] -> System Settings -> [Memory] -> [Hard Drive/MU] -> [Games] -> FIFA 12
4. Delete UGC file
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